Economy Travel | Marina Blackburn

Marina Blackburn


(888) 222-2110 ext. 122
770-368-6355 Direct (and fax)

Hi, My name is Marina Blackburn with Economy Travel.

My career in the travel industry began over 5 years ago in Argentina, where I am originally from. Now I live in Utah, with my family. I have been working 2 years here at Economy Travel. I help my clients travel all over the world. I speak English and Spanish fluently.

It is my pleasure to consistently give my clients more than they expect. I will ask the right questions to make sure all your needs are met, and I will take all the time necessary to answer all your questions. I can also say with confidence that I have the necessary experience to give you the best customer service.

Thank you, and I look forward to speaking with you soon!


Are experts in our field and have been assisting humanitarian travelers with their airfare requests for many decades.

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